It's Alive! It's Alive!
At the start of November, I tried an experiment. What happened next will amaze me.

Important Note: while you can still subscribe at the founding member or any other level, the offer to be named in the acknowledgments section of Very Fine People is now closed. Carry on.
Wow. Um. Ah. So.
You may or may not know, but in November I ran an experiment to see if there was a market for such a thing as a book of my essays, many of which were first published in this very space, titled Very Fine People. The idea was that you could sign up for the Founding Member level of support, and if enough of you did this, then it would fund the professional work that’s needed to make such a thing happen. Read here for all the details or don’t read here to remain blissfully detail-free.
But wait, I’m burying the lede—the experiment worked.
A whole bunch of you signed up and upgraded and did the thing, enough so that I am comfortable saying that the project is a go. That is absolutely amazing and I’m blown away. I honestly and truly am flabbergasted by the support I’ve been shown. This is terrible for my gast, but it genuinely moves me, so to all of you that did what you did: thank you, thank you, thank you. I am a very lucky writer to have such an audience as this.
I expect to publish Very Fine People as early in 2024 as I can. I’m daring to hope for March, but I will be learning in the coming weeks if that is realistic. I’m planning on doing a paperback and an e-book, and seeing how those do before committing to the time and energy necessary to bring an audiobook into the world. I don’t have much else firm yet, so watch this space for specifics.
So now here’s what’s next for all of you:
- If you are a founding member, hold tight and renew when it’s renewal time. You will get a copy of Very Fine People when it is published, provided you have given me your address by that time. You will also be listed by name in the acknowledgements, provided you have given me your name by then. You should have heard from me already, so if you signed up as a founder and haven’t seen an email directly from me, please contact me so we can get you fixed up.
- If you are not a founding member, you can still join the fun by upgrading to Founding Member. You’ll get to choose between getting an autographed copy of The Revisionaries right away, or a copy of Very Fine People upon publication. Whatever you choose, you’ll be thanked by name in the acknowledgements of Very Fine People.
- If you are interested in this book but can’t afford that subscription level, hopefully you don’t need me to tell you, but do nothing. I mean it. Still don’t be a hero, Johnny. The book will come out and you can buy it for a much lower price then. If you can’t swing even that much, talk to me then and we will figure something out. Nobody left behind here at The Reframe, where you don’t have to afford to read, and we love you just the same either way.
- If you’re aren’t interested in this book, also do nothing. This is the standard deal that I offer for disinterested parties, and I offer it for free.
Here is the button to do the thing! It’s no longer necessary to make a book happen! But you can do it anyway!
And here is the button to do nothing!
Thanks as always for reading, and see you out there in a couple weeks at most.
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