On Vacation

The "AR" in AR Moxon stands for Actually Resting. No newsletter this week. Very Fine People continues to exist.

On Vacation

After you publish a book, you tend to be tired is my observation. I took a vacation, and I needed it. I'm keeping it going, which means I didn't write this weekend. I promise weekly essays, so for the however many of you who were wondering where it is, consider this my GONE FISHING sign.

I'll probably be back next week. If I'm not, I'll definitely be back the following. Looking back I think this is the first week I've taken off since ... yikes! 2022.

I've got some thoughts about the fascists in robes demolishing society in order to kill and enslave human beings, and I've got thoughts about the debate and all that, and hopefully by the time I get back to them they won't be obsolete, but if they are maybe I'll still share them if I think they're still interesting and relevant.

In the meantime ...

Now and until the heat death of the universe, Very Fine People is available! You call your local bookseller or library and ask them to get you a copy. You can get the paperback or the eBook in all the places.

If you're reading and enjoying, and you would like to help a vacationing writer out, please do not be shy about sharing your appreciation! Do the Goodreads review and the Amazon review and the social media stuff and wherever else. It really helps a book out.

Personalized signed copies here.
Link to
order direct (unsigned) for 15% off can be found on this page.
As for eBook:
Here's the Kobo. Here's the Kindle. Here's the Nook. I'm working on Apple books. Not sure what the issue is there.

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A.R. Moxon is the author of the novel The Revisionaries and the essay collection Very Fine People, which are available in most of the usual places, and some of the unusual places. He is also co-writer of Sugar Maple, a musical fiction podcast from Osiris Media which goes in your ears. He's funnier than he looks.