Preaching To The Choir On echo chambers, persuasion, Mitt Romney, "wise Republicans," salad bars, and the chronically shirked responsibility for changing our own minds.
Never Remember Reflection & remembrance on the 22nd anniversary of a grim hinge in history. What we never remember, what we never forget
How to Help Writers Leave X A milestone for The Reframe, another milestone for The Reframe, and advice to readers on helping writers who are looking for a Twitter X-it.
The Finger-Taker's Son Rules of engagement, and what it means to find "common ground" with supremacists.
If You Want To Be Friends, Then Why Aren’t You Friendly? A look at one of the most alarming and pressing problems of our age: the much-lamented fact that "the left" won't be friends with "the right," over "political views."
The Unconsidered Voice On seeking the answer in the middle, the persuasive power of being unpersuadable, and the conservative demand for an exclusive 1st amendment right to harass others.
A Public Service Translating the President's many crimes for the Fox News watchers, to help them understand why they are so shocking and dangerous.