Sky On Independence Day, a look back to January 2017, and a vision for a country that never was, but still may be.
The Court Supreme A purely speculative story about basketball and nothing else: an epic game of 10 on 0 gets disrupted by the reverse-discrimination of rulebreakers.
The Nut Kick On the anniversary of the repeal of women's bodily autonomy, a reprint of a Twitter thread, written on a day when the threat from our corrupt and supremacist Supreme Court became unignorably loud.
What Is Lost A continuation of a series on our national current; the price we all want to avoid, and the legacy of my favorite television show
The Man In The River As a brief interlude in a series on the national current, a parable of a wise man
The National Current The benefit of the doubt, the doubt of the benefit, and presidential precedent in a country allergic to truth and consequences.