Demolishing The Billionaire Scam Thoughts on the cusp of a fascist takeover. Know the game, face the worst, imagine the best, embrace the better, play to win.
Being More Like Republicans Four simple observations on the recent election about the nature of opposition.
A System Built to Eat People Never Stops Eating A brief history of the systems we've inherited, and the story of two very different reactions to two murders, in a country founded on murder.
Peaceful Solutions On respectable and profitable human-suffering engines, the murder of a CEO, propriety in a land where life has been cheapened, and some good news for those who seek peaceful solutions.
We Can't Afford Billionaires Fighting back against a grotesque perversion of our shared humanity; doing so by building community in a nation built to accommodate community-destroying narcissists. Read to the end for an invitation from The Reframe.