The Compass and the Navigation The compass determines direction. The navigation determines the route. The route leads to the destination. In that order.
This HAS To Be Normal Normalization in a time of madness, on behalf of a population dedicated to not knowing terrible things. Bearing witness in a supremacist nation on the verge of a Nazi takeover.
Killing Our Way To Paradise "One really violent day" in our morally underdeveloped nation. Supremacist superfans, Star Wars, and the popular insistence within a violent empire of owning heroism as exclusive property.
The Rot Goes To The Core Where we are and how we got here. Fascists at play in a land of no consequences, where hypocrisy is a virtue.
It's Time To Oppress Conservatives With a generous, diverse, and open world that will care for everyone, even for them.
Those Factist™ Facts The Reframe introduces FastCheck®, the first Fact Checker that checks facts fast and first to make sure they come out factist™ without any failed truth bias.